Trump’s European Travel Ban Is Ridiculous

According to The New York Times,President Trump announced on Wednesday night that he was taking action to stem the spread of the coronavirus by suspending most travel from Europe to the United States for 30 days, beginning on Friday. The restrictions do not apply to Britain, he said.” Fundamentally, Trump’s European travel ban is ridiculous. And he cannot explain it.

Trump on television Wednesday night from the Oval Office, reading a prepared speech from a TelePrompter: “These prohibitions will not only apply to the tremendous amount of trade & cargo, but various other things as we get approval.”

And on Twitter Wednesday night, Trump tweeted: “Trade will in no way be affected by 30-day restriction on travel from Europe. The restriction stops people not goods.”

The prepared speech Trump read was WRONG on a major point of impact. Unforgivable.

Also unforgivable: Before making this announcement March 11, neither Trump nor his people provided anyone in the EU with advance warning that the travel ban was coming.

Trump and Stephen Miller’s ineffective idea — which Trump cannot even describe coherently — of preventing incoming travel of humans from some countries is not going to make any difference.

For reasons no one explained, the travel ban does not include the U.K. Consequently, people will fly from any other European city to the UK and then to the United States. This will reduce the number of people coming into the US somewhat. And the additional travel and related activity will boost the British economy. Trump must have worked out a sweet deal with Boris.

Unfortunately, the Covid-19 virus is in the United States. It will continue to spread.

Question of the day, March 12: Why did Trump tank the markets with his March 11 speech? For weeks, has has been trying to prop them up with lies and misinformation. Follow the money. There is a way he/The Trump Organization is making money off of this.

From the beginning, when he first told us to “wait until April…it will go away,” it has been clear that 1) making money and 2) trying to get re-elected to avoid prosecution are his only concerns.

Remember, Trump’s European travel ban is ridiculous.

Looking back:
February and March: Trump said and tweeted, many times, that the Coronavirus is a “hoax” Democrats created to make him look bad.

March 4: Trump appeared on “Hannity” on FOX News and implied that people should still go to work even if they contracted coronavirus. He also contradicted the World Health Organization’s projected mortality rates based on what he called his “hunch.”

Trump has shown nothing but weeks of completely feckless response to the Coronavirus public health situation. Trump is unfit for the US Presidency.

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