Palestinian Genocide and Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Israeli-Palestinian conflict has raged for hundreds of years. Since October 2023, many people have been talking about a “Palestinian genocide.”

For many decades, ‪Israel has been under constant bomb and missile assault by Palestinians/Arab States/Hamas.

After years of constant bombardment, in 2010, Israel invested in an anti-missile system called Iron Dome to protect itself. This is just one aspect of the complex Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Iron Dome has an ongoing cost of $100,000 to $150,000 per missile interception, plus a $1 billion+ up front investment and other ongoing costs running to millions of dollars per year. Many times each week, Iron Dome intercepts incoming missiles. Yes, the United States has helped Israel pay some of those costs.

In October 2023, in a carefully planned attack, Hamas struck Israel with so many missiles at once that it overwhelmed Iron Dome. This enabled Hamas to kidnap more than 200 and kill more than 1000 Israeli people.

Had Israel not implemented the Iron Dome anti-missile system in 2010, we would be looking back on and describing a decades-long Israeli genocide, not a four-month-long “Palestinian genocide.”

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