Trump Presidency Grows More Chaotic After Mattis Resigns

United States President Donald Trump announced via Twitter on Sunday morning, Dec. 23, that Secretary of Defense James “Mad Dog” Mattis would be out of his cabinet post by January 1, 2019. Trump was not firing Mattis through Twitter. Mattis had submitted his resignation letter on Thursday, Dec. 20. In it he made clear that significant differences of opinion existed…

Trump Control Of Judicial Branch Complete?

You may remember this. In late September 2017, according to CNN, “Trump administration lawyers are demanding the private account information of potentially thousands of Facebook users in three separate search warrants served on the social media giant, according to court documents obtained by CNN. “The warrants specifically target the accounts of three Facebook users who are described by their attorneys…

Why The Senate Should Not Have Confirmed Kavanaugh

The opening remarks of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, at his confirmation hearing on Thursday, September 26, contained the following paragraphs, in quotation marks. “Less than two weeks ago, Dr. Ford publicly accused me of committing wrongdoing at an event more than 36 years ago when we were both in high school. I denied the allegation immediately, categorically and unequivocally. All four…

Using Christine Blasey-Ford?

Some members of the GOP have said that Democrats are using Christine Blasey-Ford to advance a two-pronged political agenda. Specifically, these folks have insisted that Democrats want to use Blasey-Ford 1) To harm Trump and 2) To reduce the number of Republicans in the House and Senate after the November 2018 midterms. Those members of the GOP who have said…

Would You Hire Judge Kavanaugh?

Brett Kavanaugh is currently Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. Recently, Kavanaugh has been interviewing for a position as a Justice on the US Supreme Court.  Would you hire someone who, during his interview, responded to questions with questions turned back on interviewers, demonstrated profound anger, cried, and shouted over interviewers who…

We Know Outcomes Of Russian Election Interference

People who claim that Russian election interference had no impact on U.S. election outcomes are completely wrong.  Watch this and remember what Hillary Clinton told us 8 days before the U.S. elections of 2016. We experienced rampant Russian data theft and direct interference in the U.S. elections held on Nov. 8, 2016.  This is the point: We know the outcomes…

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Asked To Leave The Red Hen Lexington

The owner of a Virginia restaurant, The Red Hen, asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave the establishment on June 22, 2018. How might this incident connect with a recent Supreme Court decision? According to the United States Supreme Court, it’s perfectly legal for a bakery owner to choose not to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. The bakery in…