The White House and Jared Kushner expect us to believe that Kushner did not arrange loan deals for his private real estate business when he met with private equity and banking businessmen in the White House. On its face, this is a laughable claim. According to the New York Times, Kushner secured loans from the Apollo Global Management and Citigroup…
Trump Wants To Arm Teachers With Guns In The Name Of School Safety
Trump has recently proposed arming teachers with guns. He says that this will protect students. He says that putting guns in classrooms will deter would-be shooters from going into schools and killing people. Trump made this proposal after the recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida. This is a falsehood. It is unlikely that Trump wants to arm teachers with guns…
Trump And Money Laundering
The Trump Organization has very likely been money laundering the financial proceeds from Russian organized crime for years. As a result, Trump doesn’t want or cannot do three things. First, Trump doesn’t want the FBI or special counsel Robert Mueller to look at his company’s or his financial records. Second, Trump can’t say anything bad about the Russian government, oligarchs,…
Trump Tweets Lie About Presidential Run
On Saturday, February 17, 2018, Donald Trump tweeted a lie about Russian meddling in our election and his run for the United States Presidency. He tweeted, “Russia started their anti-US campaign in 2014, long before I announced that I would run for President. The results of the election were not impacted. The Trump campaign did nothing wrong – no collusion!”… is back!
Hello All, was down for most of January 2018, but it is back now. Please watch for new posts and thank you for reading.
Taxes And Wages
The claim by many Republicans that cutting taxes on businesses will lead to wage growth is completely absurd. They are using this claim to promote enormous tax cut bills in the House and Senate, which would benefit businesses and the wealthiest people in America more than anyone else. In fact, companies pay employees based on labor market conditions, competition and…
Tip Of The Iceberg — Manafort And Gates
Today former Trump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort and his associate Rick Gates pleaded not guilty to indictments from the Robert Mueller probe into the Trump campaign and Russian collusion or cooperation during the 2016 United States Presidential election. Quoting from a Reuters story published today, one needs to remember why Manafort left the Trump campaign chairmanship in August: “Manafort ran…
Trump Pardon Of Arpaio An Atrocity
Donald Trump’s Friday, August 25 (while Category 4 hurricane Harvey was making landfall) pardon of former (note the word “former”) sheriff Joe Arpaio was not a surprise. ( But it was and is reprehensible. It is another in a long list of Trumpian atrocities committed during the first eight months of the Trump administration. Arizona citizens voted Arpaio out of…
Trumpian False Equivalency
Individuals or members of groups opposed to white supremacist/nationalist groups are not equally culpable as members of the KKK, neo-Nazi, white supremacist, white nationalist or other hate groups. Members of hate groups have perpetrated many more crimes and acts of violence against others than have been perpetrated against them. Please see the summary compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center…
Trump And Charlottesville And White Supremacists
Despite being President of the United States, and therefore theoretically representing the interests of ALL Americans, Donald J. Trump has never stood up for populations of Americans who have been attacked: Defying years of tradition, Trump did not recognize June 2017 as LGBT Pride Month. Trump didn’t recognize Jews — the targets of the Nazi campaign of extermination — in…