Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has frequently derided President Obama for not creating enough jobs in America. However, it should be noted that from February 2001, George W. Bush’s first full month in office, through January 2009, his last, the economy added 1 million jobs. By contrast, in 2010 alone, the economy added at least 1.1 million jobs; from 2011…
Category: Current Events
In Two Days, It May Be Impossible to Get a Legal Abortion in Mississippi
At the federal level, through the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, women are supposed to have access to safe and legal abortions in all of the United States. Separately, states are legally prevented from enacting laws that contradict federal laws. However, as has been demonstrated in Mississippi, there are ways to get around the implications of these two facts. According to a story reported this week…
A Helpful Summary of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
A Facebook friend pointed out this very helpful summary of what the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act actually has done and will do. The portion referred to is the material posted by a user identified near the top of the page as CaspianX2.
Health and the Unexpected
It really is simple. No one plans to become ill or injured. If a person becomes ill or injured and needs medical care that he/she cannot afford to pay for, should that person should receive that care? Unfortunately, many people without insurance become ill or injured, and they show up in emergency rooms and doctor's offices expecting medical care, and they…
Romney Doesn’t Want Good Economic News to Hurt Him
Former Governor and current presidential candidate Mitt Romney apparently does not want the good economic news in states like Ohio, Florida and Michigan to distract from the message that he’s spreading that the economy is horrible and President Obama has only “made it worse.” In late May, several news reports surfaced that Romney’s operatives were asking those governors to pipe…
Romney — The Great Unknowns
There is so much about Romney that we do not know.
A Tax Cut Reality Check
I was extremely impressed by Fareed Zakaria's recent GPS program broadcast that opened with a very clear and lucid description of tax cuts. He reminds us that not only has US Presidential candidate Romney promised more tax cuts if he's elected, but that tax cuts have constituted a large portion of the economic stimulus measures that the Obama administration has…
So Much Gay-Bashing, Where to Start?
There has been a lot of gay-bashing by church people lately. It’s a little disheartening. OK, it’s very disheartening. There’s this: He’s trotting out the old nutcase argument that if we allowed gay people to marry each other then of course people would want to marry their family pets, or apparently, other animals. This is truly nuts. If gay…
The Manufactured Brouhaha
There has been considerable brouhaha over the last several days stemming from one comment Democratic pundit Hilary Rosen made on the April 11 CNN program "AC360." However, rather than being legitimate, the brouhaha was completely artificial and manufactured by Ann Romney. The thing that tells me that the Hilary Rosen/Ann Romney flap was disingenuously manufactured is this: When Hilary said…
10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage Is Not the American Way
This has been around in a variety of versions. I think it is terrific and want to share it: 1. Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning. 2. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall. 3.…