Category: Current Events

Has Romney Been Criticized for Being Wealthy?

Mitt and Ann Romney have said they’ve been criticized for being wealthy and successful. They have both whined about this. The fact is that the criticisms they have received have not been based in their being wealthy. They have been criticized for other things, specifically, living frugally by choice, not necessity, avoiding taxes, and being unable to relate to people whose…

Romney’s Demonstrated Skills

On August 11, Sen. Paul Ryan was named presumed Republican party nominee for President Mitt Romney’s vice presidential running mate. I did appreciate that during his speech that morning Ryan gave the reasons we should elect Romney our president, reciting a list of Romney accomplishments and demonstrated skills, examples of the kinds of things that a President of the United States should…

“Liking” Romney

On August 21, I decided to “like” Romney on Facebook and see what kind of material would appear in my Facebook News Feed. It did not take long for lies to start to appear in my News Feed, courtesy of the Romney Facebook page. Yesterday, the headline “Obama cut $716 billion from Medicare,” appeared, linking to a video clip and some text, along with a petition:…


Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney has said that he won’t release any more tax returns because doing so would only provide ammunition for his opponents. Hmm. Sounds sort of like taking the Fifth Amendment and refusing to answer questions on the grounds that it might incriminate you. Apparently this “you shall get no details” approach to his taxes will now be…

Sen. Paul Ryan’s First Week as Romney’s Veep Candidate

We are in the first week of Sen. Paul Ryan’s joining the Romney campaign as vice presidential candidate. It has not gone entirely smoothly. There have been some “oops” moments. Ryan criticized the Obama plan to slow the growth of Medicare by $716 billion dollars and redirect those funds that could potentially be spent in the growth of Medicare (he called this Obama’s…

The Ryan Budget and Medicare

Although many things about Sen. Paul Ryan’s budget proposal trouble me, one of the things that troubles me most is Ryan’s belief about how Medicare can be transformed. Now that Ryan has been named Mitt Romney’s running mate in the 2012 US election, this Washington Post Fact Checker article, and the material it links to regarding Paul Ryan’s budget, provide some…

Healthcare in the Romney-Ryan Era

If you vote for Romney-Ryan, and the Romney-Ryan plan for Medicare Reform, unless you have a lot of wealth, it appears very likely that you may have an experience that looks like this. Put yourself in the role of Citizen Bob. Romney-Ryan Health Insurance Customer Service Representative: “Romney-Ryan Health Insurance Customer Service Information line.  May I help you?” Citizen Bob, middle…

The Romney-Ryan Budget Proposal for Medicare

Although many things about Sen. Paul Ryan’s budget proposal trouble me, one of the things that troubles me most is Ryan’s belief about how Medicare can be transformed. Now that Ryan has been named Mitt Romney’s running mate in the 2012 US election, this Washington Post Fact Checker article, and the material it links to regarding Paul Ryan’s budget, provide some…