Category: Current Events

Several GOP Presidential Candidates Back New “Religious Freedom” Bill

According to the Advocate and Think Progress, the majority of the GOP candidates for president are terribly confused about religious freedom and civil contract law. Six of those candidates (Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee) have backed the First Amendment Defense Act. This is essentially a federal-level “RFRA” (Religious Freedom Restoration Act) bill…

Michigan Legislator Proposes Harmful Anti-Gay Bills

I gave the MLive/Grand Rapids Press article covering Michigan State Rep. Cindy Gamrat’s proposed legislation some very serious thought. And I concluded the following: Michigan State Rep. Gamrat said, “Now, more than ever, Christians and those who do not embrace the homosexual lifestyle will need protections, legally and also from being forced to violate their deeply held convictions as clearly…

SCOTUS, McCutcheon and Campaign Finance Implications

This week the Supreme Court of the United States handed down an important decision in the McCutcheon v. FEC case. The decision will have an impact on campaign finance and the influence that voters, supporters, individuals and entities (companies and organizations) have on the political process. To help understand the role the decision will likely have, it may help to compare financial…

Restaurant Chain Adds Deceptive ACA Charge to Bills

Reuters has reported this news about a Florida restaurant chain with locations that have begun adding an “Affordable Care Act” surcharge to their customers’ bills: However, the restaurant chain has not in fact incurred any Obamacare-related health insurance expenses. What the restaurant chain is doing is no different than if it were charging a fee now because its rent expense…

Tea Party Nation President After Veto of SB 1062 in Arizona

Judson Phillips, president of Tea Party Nation, is a little upset about Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer’s decision last night to veto a bill that would have expanded the ability of business owners to discriminate against LGBT people and others,” according to Right Wing Watch. His comments appear to be a rant from someone infuriated by not being encouraged by law to discriminate…

Arizona Lawmakers Pass Bill to Allow Faith-based Refusal of Services

“Arizona lawmakers gave final approval on Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014 to a bill that would allow businesses to refuse service to customers when such work would violate their religious beliefs, in a move critics describe as a license to discriminate against gays and others,” according to Reuters. First of all, I would never try to give my money to someone who…