Category: Current Events

Trump’s Claims That The Presidential Election is “Rigged”

Frequently, especially during the last two to three weeks, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has claimed that the United States presidential election is “rigged.” This sounds like the cries of someone who is desperately seeking an excuse to explain poor ratings in statewide and national polls. If this election were rigged, he would not have beaten more than 15 mostly…

Trump And Pretty Women

According to Donald Trump’s own words at events on Oct. 13 and 14, if the women who have come forward publicly about Trump’s sexual harassment behavior were pretty, or prettier, then they would be credible and believable. One woman, Jessica Leeds, told her story to the New York Times. On Oct. 14, Trump said, “Yeah, I’m gonna go after her,”…

Donald Trump’s Early Morning Twitter Tirade — Sept. 30, 2016

Thinking about my Trump-loving friends after his recent Twitter tirade, made during the early morning hours of Friday, Sept. 30, 2016, in which he maligned a former Miss Universe, Alicia Machado, and presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Is this what those Trump supporters want to look forward to during a Trump presidency: news coverage of their president tweeting nonsense in the…

The Latest Trump Lie

On Sept. 16, Donald Trump finally acknowledged what all have known for years, that President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Trump announced this in a heavily teased and foreshadowed event intended to promote one of his hotels, and of course the announcement received breathless and extensive news coverage. Trump not apologize for being one of the most vigorous proponents…

Donald Trump Does Not Know What “Sacrifice” Means

One of the most moving speeches of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia last week was a speech given by Khizr Khan, the bereaved father of American Army Captain Humayun Khan who died in Iraq; the speech was given with his wife Ghazala by his side. In Khan’s speech, he said, addressing Presidential candidate Donald Trump, “You have sacrificed nothing and no one.” Khan,…

Clinton, Sanders And Math

To all the people who claim the presidential election between Clinton and Sanders was “rigged”: Hillary Clinton received 15,805,136 votes during the primary election cycle. Bernie Sanders received 12,029,699 votes during the primary election cycle. Clinton received about 3,700,000 more votes than Sanders. This means that more people voted for Clinton than Sanders. Although it took a month after the…