Upon hearing that Betsy DeVos has been nominated to be Secretary of Education in the new Cabinet of President-Elect Donald Trump, I imagined the following conversation between DeVos and someone I’ll call “Citizen Tom”: Betsy, “I have never attended a public school, nor have my children. You should want your children to attend private, preferably Christian schools. I married the…
Category: Current Events
Trump Berates News Organizations
There is something very questionable about President-Elect Donald Trump. Well, actually there are many very questionable things about Trump, but the one being addressed here is that he is unspeakably rude and profoundly ungrateful. Without the $3 billion-plus of free, unpaid media exposure that he received during the primary and general campaigns from the organizations whose representatives he invited to…
The Commuter Presidency Of The Trumps
There are things that go with being the First Lady and the President of the United States. One of those things is moving into the White House in Washington, DC. As reported by the Washington Post, “Melania Trump’s decision to not to live in the White House, at least for now, appears unprecedented. Nearly every first lady has taken up…
The “Hamilton”-Trump-Pence Affair
On the Hamilton-Pence-Trump brouhaha: Two things that President-Elect Donald Trump is ignorant of — if he were not this ignorant he would not have sent two whining tweets on Twitter about Pence’s being “harassed” and demanding an apology: 1) Vice President-elect Pence chose to be a public servant. He is not a private citizen. He is not royalty. He is…
Why LGBT People Are Afraid Of A Trump Presidency
There are several reasons why members of the LGBT population are concerned and frankly worried about the recent election of President-Elect Donald Trump by the Electoral College. Here are some concrete specifics re: why people are concerned about Trump. 1) Trump’s own words. Some people are fond of quoting Trump from his speech at the GOP convention this year, when he…
Paul Ryan’s Plan To Eliminate Obamacare
The Paul Ryan plan to replace Obamacare eliminates Medicare. This will be unfortunate for senior citizens whose health care costs are paid by tax dollars through Medicare. But have no fear: Grandma will be able to buy her own health insurance on the individual market. If health insurance for a healthy single person in her 30s costs about $400 per…
The Trump Campaign Perception Machine
As reported by USA Today: “The man who caused a commotion at a Donald Trump rally Saturday said he’s a registered Republican who wanted only to show his displeasure with his party’s nominee. Members of the audience at the event for the GOP presidential nominee tackled Austyn Crites, 33, of Reno after someone yelled “gun” while others were trying to…
What Happened Because Clinton Did Not Use .Gov Servers For Email?
What is the horrible thing that happened because then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton didn’t use .gov servers for her government-job email — which is something that former Secretary of State Colin Powell and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin also did? And why should not using .gov servers for government-job email — which Clinton said was something she would not do…
FBI Director Comey’s Serious Mistakes
Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey has made several important mistakes in the last few months regarding the Hillary Clinton email server case that the FBI has been working — and is still working. Unfortunately, his mistakes may have an impact on the election of the new president of the United States. First of all, James Comey never should have…
Hillary Clinton’s Latest Email Escapade
Today several news organizations, including The New York Times, have reported, “In a letter to Congress, the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said that emails had surfaced in an unrelated case, and that they ‘appear to be pertinent to the investigation.’” Comey’s letter went on to say that the F.B.I. was taking steps to “‘determine whether they contain classified information, as…