Category: Current Events

Comparing POTUS and PEOTUS “Happy New Year 2017” Tweets

President-Elect Trump and Presidents Clinton and Obama all tweeted “Happy New Year” greetings in the last couple of days. Trump’s tweet went out about 8:30 AM EST on December 31, 2016. President Clinton tweeted about 24 hours later, on Jan. 1, 2017, and President Obama tweeted his greeting at noon, also on New Year’s Day. Let’s compare the tweets. President…

Who Has Bought His/Her Spot In The Trump Cabinet? — Part 2

A few weeks ago, I noted that Linda McMahon and Andrew Puzder quite clearly paid for their cabinet positions: Broken Laughter will continue to do research on this and will update this post with the new information as it becomes available, but of the recent Trump Cabinet selections made, here are two who clearly bought their seats in the Trump administration:…

Trump Barely Won The Electoral College

Effectively, 77,759 Electoral College votes in three states (WI/PA/MI) determined the Presidency. In three key states, Trump won by less than 1%. Let that sink in for a minute. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump won the United States presidential election by less than 1% in these three key Electoral College states: Wisconsin: 22,748 votes, 0.7 of a percentage point Pennsylvania:…

Giving Trump A Chance

I have been trying very hard to “give Trump a chance.” So far, he has nominated Cabinet picks whose opinions, attitudes, past actions and statements are diametrically opposed to mine — and many Americans. Despite his claim that he would “be the President of all the people” and would “bring people together” and unite them, choosing these people for Cabinet…

Not A Landslide Win For Trump

In its statement dismissing the findings of the CIA investigation into hacking of John Podesta’s email and the DNC website, the Trump transition team said: “The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. It’s now time to move on and ‘Make America Great Again,’ ” the statement read. Unfortunately, the Trump…

Who Has Bought His/Her Spot In The Trump Cabinet?

Broken Laughter will continue to do research on this  and will update this post with the new information as it becomes available, but of the recent Trump Cabinet selections made, here are two who clearly bought their seats in the Trump administration: Linda McMahon bought her appointment to the Trump administration: between 2007 and 2009, she and her husband gave…

The Carrier Affair

In February of 2016, Carrier announced it would close 2 Indiana plants and move move 2100 jobs to Mexico. Here’s the story as covered by Fox News.   If we believe what we are being told now (which is a tall order in itself), Donald Trump and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence swung into action and the following is the net…

Trump Picks Rep. Tom Price for HHS

Please don’t be distracted by the flag-burning business making “news” today. Trump tweeted about flag-burning purely to distract people’s attention from his one of latest Cabinet nominees. Acting very consistently, Trump has made yet another awful selection for his Cabinet: Georgia Republican Rep. Tom Price for HHS Secretary. His goals are clear: eliminate the Affordable Care Act and privatize Medicare…

Trump’s Bizarre Method Of Picking Staff

The ridiculous way that President-Elect Donald Trump has gone about selecting Cabinet nominees — parading candidates in and out of Trump Tower and Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, NJ — while making hinting comments to the press and sending tweets, has been entirely as I expected. Instead of sober meetings held discreetly behind closed doors and news conferences to…