Category: Current Events

Trump Signs Law Permitting Waste Dumping By Mining Companies

On Feb. 16, Trump signed legislation rolling back a rule established by the Obama administration that prohibited mining companies from dumping their waste into streams and rivers. The Office of Surface Mining’s Stream Protection Rule was designed to protect waterways from coal mining waste. The rule was finalized in December 2016. Apparently, to the GOP members of the legislature and…

Trump’s Anti-Travel And Anti-Immigration Ban Is Absurd In So Many Ways

The anti-travel and anti-immigration Executive Order Trump signed on January 27, 2017, is a violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Specifically, the clause states, ” Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” Trump and his people have consistently said that Trump’s travel and…

Trump Chaos

Trump released his Executive Order Friday banning travel and immigration from seven nations without any implementation instructions to the people and organizations who would be responsible for enforcing it, and he made it effective immediately upon its release. At first I asked myself, “Why would Trump release this EO in a way that would create such a high degree of…

Trump Lies

This is beyond absurd. “My crowd was bigger than your crowd,” Trump sends Spicer to lie. (Meaning that the crowd on the Mall in Washington for his inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017 was larger than that for President Obama’s inauguration in 2009.) First it was Trump’s inferiority about his hand size. Then it was his inferiority about his inaugural crowd…

Ben Carson And No “Special Rights”

Oh, Dr. Ben Carson. According to The Hill, “During Ben Carson’s Senate confirmation hearing on Jan. 12, 2017, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) pressed the Housing and Urban Development nominee about whether he would enforce LGBT protections in the public housing sector. ‘Of course, I would enforce all the laws of the land,’ Carson responded. ‘Of course, I think all Americans should be…

Oh Kellyanne Conway, You Terrible Spokesperson

Apparently Trump Campaign Manager and newly christened Senior Advisor (whatever that means) Kellyanne Conway didn’t read the headlines in The New York Times, Washington Post, and on CNN between yesterday afternoon and yesterday evening. The story at this point is that Trump was briefed by intelligence officials last week about the information contained in the 35-page report released by BuzzFeed.…