Category: Current Events

Troubling Events In Trumpland: Wiretapping

There have been some very troubling and concerning events during the last two weeks. For example, on March 15, there was a very high-security, highly classified briefing held by FBI Director James Comey with Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Sen. Chuck Grassley. Grassley is the Republican and Feinstein is the Democrat.  This briefing was held in a specially compartmented facility to…

The GOP Tries To Trash The CBO

Today, March 13, 2017,  the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its analysis of the GOP American Health Care Act. In its analysis, the CBO concluded, among other things the GOP finds very annoying, that in 2018, 14 million Americans would lose their health insurance. Ironically, Trump, in January, said that the “repeal and replace” solution provided by the GOP, would…

DHS Concludes Trump’s Travel/Immigration Ban Of No Value

There are three connected stories here.  All three of these stories concern the Department of Homeland Security’s  conclusion after examining all available information that the travel and immigration ban proposed by Trump provides no significant value in terms of national security.  ….. One is that the Trump administration asked the Department of Homeland Security to prepare a report that concluded…

Trump’s New Deportation Rules — February 21, 2017

Just a couple of things that spring immediately to mind after reading about Trump’s new deportation rules for people in the United States illegally: 1) What will become of the millions of children who have been born in the US to the immigrants here illegally? Since the children — having been born here in the United States — are citizens…

Trump Spreads His Own Fake News

Honestly, we can’t make this stuff up. At his “campaign event” rally in Melbourne, Florida, on February 18, 2017, Trump claimed that something awful had happened the previous day in Sweden. Specifically, he said, “We’ve got to keep our country safe,” Trump said at a rally on Saturday. “You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night…