Individuals or members of groups opposed to white supremacist/nationalist groups are not equally culpable as members of the KKK, neo-Nazi, white supremacist, white nationalist or other hate groups. Members of hate groups have perpetrated many more crimes and acts of violence against others than have been perpetrated against them. Please see the summary compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center…
Category: Current Events
Trump And Charlottesville And White Supremacists
Despite being President of the United States, and therefore theoretically representing the interests of ALL Americans, Donald J. Trump has never stood up for populations of Americans who have been attacked: Defying years of tradition, Trump did not recognize June 2017 as LGBT Pride Month. Trump didn’t recognize Jews — the targets of the Nazi campaign of extermination — in…
This Was The Week That Was — In Trumpland
Well, this has certainly been quite the week! Where to begin? We saw the resignation of Sean Spicer, Trump’s Press Secretary and Communications Director, after it was announced that Anthony “not trying to suck my own cock” Scaramucci would be the White House Communications Director. Sarah Huckabee Sanders was promoted to the role of Press Secretary. Scaramucci, who is very much like Trump —…
McConnell Does Not Want To Collaborate With Dems
According to reporting by Politico, “Mitch McConnell is delivering an urgent warning to staffers, Republican senators and even the president himself: If Obamacare repeal fails this week, the GOP will lose all leverage and be forced to work with Chuck Schumer. “President Donald Trump continued to float the possibility on Monday that Congress and the White House would simply let…
Trump May Have Attempted To Obstruct Justice Before Our Eyes And Ears
Some people — notably American President Donald J. Trump — are surprised that Trump is being investigated regarding possible obstruction of justice by the Special Counsel Bob Mueller. Good grief. Of course he’s being investigated for possible obstruction of justice. He attempted to obstruct justice before the eyes and ears of everyone on the planet in the past few weeks.…
Trump Shared Classified Information With Key Russian Adversaries
On Monday, May 15, we learned through the reporters of the Washington Post that Donald Trump shared classified information with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during their visit to the Oval Office on May 10, the day after he fired FBI Director James Comey. On May 16, HR McMaster, National Security Advisor, claimed that what the president…
Comey Had Other Options
On May 3, James Comey testified before Congress, rehashing previously provided information, and providing some new information about Hillary Clinton’s emails. In October 2016, the FBI discovered email messages written to or from Hillary Clinton on a computer that was shared by Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her husband, Anthony Weiner, during an FBI investigation on Weiner. The FBI could…
Trump Prefers Dictators
Trump, by his actions and words, has shown he has and wants to have good relations with dictators or would-be dictators (Putin, Duterte, Fattah el-Sisi, Erdogan for example), and to pick fights with democratic leaders (of Canada, Australia and Mexico). (More to come)
Why So Much Attention Paid to Planned Parenthood?
I’ve been wondering why so much attention has been paid, and continues to be paid by legislators and members of the general public, to Planned Parenthood. Doctors affiliated with Planned Parenthood perform many services for women and men: cancer screenings, often in the form of Pap smear tests for women; prescriptions for birth control in many forms for women (prescriptions…
Gorsuch Confirmed
Neil Gorsuch was confirmed to the United States Supreme Court today. Let’s look at how we got here. In March 2016, President Obama nominated Appeals Court Judge Merrick Garland, a completely qualified judge, to the Supreme Court seat created by the death of Antonin Scalia. For much of election year 2016, the Republicans in the House and Senate said that “the…